Peter de Weerd (P.H.M.)

Oct.’98- Oct 2003 
Teaching at University of Arizona:
- involved 10 full semester courses (graduate and undergraduate)
  on topics in the field of Perception, Learning, and Memory Formation,   
  as well as graduate seminars, and guest lectures
- Primary supervision of 2 postdocs, 2 graduate students. 

Oct.’2003- current  
Teaching at Maastricht University:
- Coordinator and tutorships ‘Perception and Attention’ (2003-current)
- Coordinator ‘Perceptual filling-in’ (2003-2010)
- Coordinator of ‘Introductory Perception’ (Waarnemen) (2007)
- Coordinator ‘The learning brain’ (2011-current)
- Coordinator ’Neuroscience of the Engram’ (2013)
- Guest lectures and tutorships in other courses, 
  at Bachelor’s, Masters, and Research Masters levels (2003-current).  
- Supervision research internships at UM and abroad, 
  Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, Ph.D. reading Commissions and 
  Corona’s  (2003-current)
- Planning and tutorships ‘Introductory Perception’ (Waarnemen)
- Supervision Ph.D. Students (4 promotions, 5 ongoing); 3 postdocs 

Teaching outside UM/abroad:
- Senior teacher module ‘Animal Research’ Summer school of the European
  Diploma EDCBS (held in Delmenhorst, Germany, Oct 2004).
- Senior teacher in Graduate School at the Faculty of Medicine, Coimbra
  University, Portugal, Feb 2009, Erasmus Exchange Program).
- Lecturer in Nijmegen Biology Bachelor Course on Neurocognition (8-6 to
  3-7 2009), Radboud University, Nijmegen.
- Lecturer in Frankfurt “Hirnforschung in den  Cognitiven Neuro-
  wissenschaften” course (Studienstiftung, 3-10-2012)