PhD coordinators FHML/MUMC+

Each of the Schools and Interfaculty Institutes has their own PhD coordinator.

What do PhD coordinators do?

The PhD coordinator informs PhD candidates about PhD regulations and procedures, policies and course opportunities. They act as low-threshold contact point in case of questions or experienced problems and support PhD candidates in finding the appropriate information or kind of support. They make sure that all PhD candidates are registered in PhD TRACK and draw up a Training & Supervision Plan and a Personal Research Plan at the start, and monitor the progress of PhD trajectories as well as well-being of PhD candidates.

The PhD coordinator is involved in all aspects and developments of the School related to PhD trajectories and advises the School Board on these matters and regularly meet their colleague PhD coordinators in the Faculty PhD Committee (FPC) and twice a year in the UM PhD coordinators meeting. They also coordinate the activities of the PhD representatives.