Past events

  • 18 Sep
    20:00 - 21:30

    Activism in the Age of Climate Crisis

    Studium Generale | Lecture
    Lieven De Cauter
    Philosopher, writer and teacher at KU Leuven & Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound, Brussels

  • 18 Sep

    PhD conferral Mieke C.E. Hooijschuur

    "Cardiovascular- and cardiometabolic sequela after vascular complicated pregnancies"

  • 18 Sep

    PhD conferral Yuliya A. Veselova

    "Information, Interaction and Manipulation in Voting"

  • 18 Sep

    PhD conferral Haang Jeung-Maarse

    "Beperkingen in sociale interactie van individuen met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen en donkere persoonlijkheidskenmerken"

  • 15 Sep
    17:00 - 19:00

    Law and Popular Culture Lecture

    Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wouter Werner (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). 

  • 15 Sep
    16:45 - 18:30

    Have your say on sexual safety - DRAFT

    Mariëtte Hamer, government commissioner for sexual transgressive behaviour and sexual violence, is to visit UM on 15 September. Your chance to have your say on inappropriate sexual behaviour in higher education.

  • 15 Sep
    16:30 - 18:30

    Have your say on sexual safety

    Sexual violence is a serious issue and more and more people are aware of it. How do we behave respectfully towards one another in our work environment, in our classes and in our social activities?

  • 15 Sep
  • 15 Sep
    15:15 - 17:00

    MCEL Opening Event

    The MCEL Opening event on “Social Justice and EU law” is the first event of MCEL in the academic year 2023-2024. This event, that will also launch the MCEL Master thesis project, aims at bringing together highly motivated students, faculty members of the Maastricht Centre for European Law, and...

  • 15 Sep

    PhD conferral Matteo Nardin

    "Implications of genetics and major risk factors on platelet morphology, platelet aggregation and their relationship with coronary atherosclerosis"