Past events

  • 11 Dec

    FPN Experience Day [NL] 11-12-2018

    What’s it like to be a Psychology student at Maastricht University? Find out during the FPN Experience Day! You’ll attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you’ll be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who are happy to answer all your questions about studying...

  • 11 Dec

    FPN Experience Day [EN] 11-12-2018

    What’s it like to be a Psychology student at Maastricht University? Find out during the FPN Experience Day! You’ll attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you’ll be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who are happy to answer all your questions about studying...

  • 10 Dec

    Human Rights in an Unequal World: a Luxury or a Necessity

    Studium Generale | Lecture
    Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners, Professor of Global History and Holder of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights at the University of Luxembourg

  • 10 Dec

    Christmas drink in Berlin

    Join us at our "Traditional Berlin Christmas Market Reunion" at Lucia Weihnachtsmarkt

  • 10 Dec

    Christmas get-together in Zürich

    Meet old and new friends from the UM

  • 10 Dec
    10:00 - 11:00

    Metro seminar with guest speaker Phil Chan (ISDP)

    Dr. Phil C.W. Chan, will give a guest lecture with the title ‘A Keen Observer of the International Rule of Law? International Law in China’s Voting Behaviour and Argumentation in the United Nations Security Council’.

  • 10 Dec 14 Dec
    09:00 - 17:00

    Winter School The House of Legal Psychology

    This Winter School is for all PhD candidates and their supervisors from The House of legal Psychology.  


  • 09 Dec

    Opera Zuid: A Quiet Place by Leonard Bernstein

    Studium Generale | Opera Visit
    A Quiet Place by Leonard Bernstein

  • 08 Dec
    20:00 - 22:00

    What’s up Europe? – Spoken Beat Night

    Maastricht, Working on Eurpope: Wat betekent het om Europeaan te zijn? En hoe is het om op te groeien in Engeland na de Brexit? Wanneer word je gezien als Europeaan en wanneer niet? Tijdens de allereerste Spoken Beat Night in Maastricht, gaan we op zoek naar antwoorden op deze vragen.

  • 08 Dec

    8th IETL LLM Alumni Meeting

    We are pleased to inform you that the Alumni Circle of the International and European Tax Law Master will organise its 8th Annual Alumni Meeting in Maastricht on Saturday, 8 of December.