Past events

  • 28 Jun
    14:00 - 17:00

    De Economen Dag

    Ben jij docent economie of bedrijfseconomie op een Limburgse vwo-school? Dan is de Economen Dag wellicht iets voor jou!

  • 12 Jun
    11:00 - 16:30

    Experience Day UCM June 12, 2018

    UCM Experience Days are designed for prospective students interested in the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme of University College Maastricht.

  • 08 Jun
    11:00 - 15:30

    Leren zorgvuldig revolveren

    Congres met om 16.30 uur de oratie van prof. mr. J.E. (Jacobine) van den Brink, hoogleraar Europees en nationaal bestuursrecht aan de Universiteit
    Maastricht, "Realistisch revolveren. Het revolverend fonds met een Europese touch".

  • 04 Jun 05 Jun
    09:00 - 22:00

    M-BEES and M-BEPS 2018

    The Department of Economics (AE1) will play host to two fruitful meetings of minds from around the world: the 11th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES) and the 4th Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium (M-BEPS).

  • 29 May 30 May

    The European Central Bank's accountability in a multilevel European order

    This workshop will offer renewed perspectives on the question of the ECB’s accountability, informed by the exceptional transformations that its mandate, functions and tasks have undergone over the last few years.

  • 14 May
    11:00 - 16:30

    Experience Day UCM May 14, 2018

    UCM Experience Days are designed for prospective students interested in the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme of University College Maastricht.

  • 10 May
    09:30 - 17:00

    Psychopharmacology in the courtroom: crimes committed under the influence of medicine use

    One day conference with presentations given by a selected group of invited speakers, representing different scientific and legal disciplines.


  • 13 Apr
    11:00 - 16:30

    Experience Day UCM April 13, 2018

    UCM Experience Days are designed for prospective students interested in the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme of University College Maastricht.

  • 06 Apr
    12:00 - 17:00

    Particle Physics Masterclass

    Maastricht Science Programme organises a particle physics masterclass. After an introduction and a crash-course in physics at the smallest scales, we will try to understand processes that were of great importance in the early universe.