Past events

  • 20 Nov
    15:30 - 18:00

    Millennial History

    Recent European history, told by millennials, who were there when it happened. Musical journalism, to get where we are coming from. Studio Europa Maastricht provides a context programme consisting of a preliminary interview with the makers, led by Dr. Aline Sierp, Associate Professor in European...

  • 18 Nov
  • 18 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Luca Janssen

    "Identification and measurement of criminal justice costs in mental health economics crossing lines" 

  • 18 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Luca Janssen

    "Identification and Measurement of Criminal Justice Costs in Mental Health Economics: Crossing Lines"

  • 18 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Max Mimpen

    "Circulating lymphocyte subsets as prognostic markers in multiple sclerosis: a first step towards systems immunology

  • 18 Nov
    09:30 - 17:30

    Patient engagement in drug development: moving beyond tools and standardization?

    This event brings together academic researchers with the main stakeholders currently shaping patient engagement in drug development. It aims to foster collective reflection on how to ensure the widespread uptake and successful implementation of the tools and standards already available in this field...

  • 18 Nov
    09:30 - 17:00

    ITEM Annual Conference 2022 - Recap

    The ITEM annual conference in Groningen focused on the impact of border regions on security, health and energy supply for residents of Europe's internal borders. Current social developments in the fields of energy, health and safety still show that, in order to tackle barriers and work together with...

  • 17 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Anne Henrieke Tavenier

    "Towards optimal platelet inhibition and pain relief in STelevation myocardial infarction"

  • 17 Nov
    15:00 - 17:00

    Webinar: Organiseren om te overleven: lessen uit de Limburgse ziekenhuizen tijdens COVID-19

    Op dit live online webinar delen we de belangrijkste lessen uit ons ZonMw onderzoek ‘Uitproberen, Aanpassen, Opbranden’ en gaan we daarover in gesprek met vertegenwoordigers van verschillende ziekenhuizen.

  • 17 Nov
    12:00 - 13:00

    UM Data Science Research Seminar

    The UM Data Science Research Seminar Series are monthly sessions organized by the Institute of Data Science, in collaboration with different departments across UM. The aim of these collaborations is to bring together scientists from all over Maastricht University to discuss breakthroughs and...