Past events

  • 07 Sep

    Opening PAS-festival

    Ik hoorde dat er geluisterd werd
    (I heard someone listening)

    Armando, poetry and prose (Dutch), & Oleg Lysenko, bayan and bandoneon
    Afterwards the Gypsy Orchestra Tata Mirando will play at the Inner Courtyard of SSC (Bonnefantenstraat 2).

  • 23 May

    Experiences of a Human Rights Defender

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Judith (Lagos, Nigeria), graduate of Library and Information Science, Human Rights Defender

  • 09 May

    Europe’s Pursuit of Peace: Past, Present and Future

    Studium Generale - Schuman Lecture 2017
    Stella Ghervas, PhD, Assistant Professor, Un. of Alabama at Birmingham & Harvard University (USA)


  • 04 May

    Saving the world? A Testimony

    Studium Generale - 4 May Lecture
    Ágnes Heller, Philosopher, Budapest, Hongary

  • 02 May

    Biodiversity: the Basis of Nature’s Economy

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Prof. Louise Vet, Professor of Evolutionary Ecology, Wageningen University

  • 25 Apr

    Europe's Destiny

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Prof. Philippe Van Parijs, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences, Un. Cath. de Louvain, Louvain La Neuve (B)

  • 11 Apr

    Robot Ethics, Human Rights & Autonomous Weapons

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Peter Asaro, PhD, Assistant Professor of Media Studies, The New School, New York (USA)

  • 21 Mar


    Studium Generale lecture

  • 15 Mar

    Art and Democracy

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Jonas Staal, Visual Artist, Founder of the Artistic and Political Organization ‘New World Summit

  • 14 Mar

    The Future of Food: Changing Society without Seizing Power

    Studium Generale - Lecture
    Prof. Olivier De Schutter, Professor of International Human Rights Law, EU Law and Legal Theory, Un. Cath. de Louvain, Louvain La Neuve, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right of food