Past events

  • 21 Sep
    12:30 - 13:30

    IGIR lunch seminar

    IGIR lunch seminars offer an opportunity for research fellows of the Institute for Globalization and International Regulation to regularly meet and discuss their research.

  • 18 Sep

    PhD conferral Ms Lu Mengxing, LL.M

    “Choose or loose, another road to China’s sustainable development; a law and economics analysis of corporate sustainability theories and practices”

  • 15 Sep

    Inaugural speech Ms Mieke Olaerts

    “The Elephant in the Room; over verbondenheid, macht en belangenafweging in het ondernemingsrecht”

  • 15 Sep

    PhD conferral Mr Liang Yu, LL.M

    “Home State Obligations over Multinational Corporations in Human Rights Treaties – With Special Attention to State-owned Corporations”

  • 14 Sep 15 Sep
    13:30 - 17:30

    Festival van de Toekomst / Neimed Krimplezing

    Information available in Dutch.  Op 14 en 15 september vindt in Zuid-Limburg het Festival van de Toekomst plaats. Met activiteiten van Neimed, met o.a. 'Zuid-Limburg in theorie: themasessies' en de 9e Neimed Krimplezing | 'Degrowth: Een agenda voor de antistad'.

  • 12 Sep
    12:45 - 18:00

    MCEL/CERIM Academic Opening Conference

    Multi-Speed Europe, Differentiated Integration and The Future of the European Union




  • 11 Sep 15 Sep
    09:00 - 17:00

    Curso de Postgrado en Derecho Tributario Internacional y Europeo

    Course in Spanish "Curso de Postgrado en Derecho Tributario Internacional y Europeo"

  • 09 Sep
    13:30 - 18:30

    Homecoming Faculty of Law

    Alumni event combined with Festival Pleasure Arts and Science @ Maastricht

  • 08 Sep
    21:30 - 22:30


    AARON is an artificial intelligence system which creates paintings. Its paintings have been exhibited in galleries worldwide, and private collectors have paid considerable sums for AARON’s art.

  • 07 Sep
    15:45 - 20:00

    Kick off master SBR

    Volg jij de master Nederlands Recht met de specialisatie Staats- en bestuursrecht of behoor je tot de alumni van deze specialisatie? Dan ben je op donderdag 7 september 2017 van harte uitgenodigd voor de Master Kick-off!