Past events

  • 30 Aug

    PhD Conferral Mrs. Laura H.P. Wielders, MSc.

    “Prevention & Treatment of Cystoid Macular Edema after Cataract Surgery”

  • 30 Aug 31 Aug
    09:00 - 18:30

    Biobased Materials - Introduction days 2018

    During the Biobased Materials introduction days you will meet your fellow students and staff, you will receive information about your study, the campus, the building in which you will be studying (and PBL: the teaching system at Maastricht University.)

  • 30 Aug 31 Aug
    09:00 - 18:30

    Systems Biology - Introduction days 2018

    During the Systems Biology introduction days you will meet your fellow students and staff, you will receive information about your study, the campus, the building in which you will be studying (and PBL: the teaching system at Maastricht University.)

  • 30 Aug
    08:30 - 19:00

    DKE - (Pre-)master's/exchange introduction day

    This day is mandatory for all new DKE (pre-)master's and exchange students as you will receive valuable information about studying at DKE, will be able to make new friends before the start of the academic year and already get to know the city.

  • 29 Aug 30 Aug
    09:30 - 22:00

    HFIM - Introduction days 2018

    During this event you will get introduced to everything you'll need to know to smoothly start your master's study in Venlo.

  • 28 Aug 30 Aug
    09:30 - 22:00

    UCV - Introduction days 2018

    During this event you will get introduced to everything you'll need to know to smoothly start your study life in Venlo.

  • 28 Aug
    08:30 - 19:00

    DKE - Bachelor's introduction day 2018

    This day is mandatory for all new DKE bachelor's students as you will receive valuable information about studying at DKE, will be able to make new friends before the start of the academic year and already get to know the city.

  • 27 Aug 29 Aug
    09:45 - 16:30
  • 27 Aug 29 Aug
    09:45 - 18:00

    MSP - Introduction days 2018

    During this event you will get introduced to everything you'll need to know to smoothly start your study at Maastricht Science Programme