Past events

  • 14 Sep

    PhD Conferral Mrs. Yu Yan, LL.M

    "A Changing Landscape of Road Traffic Liability in China: A View from Law and Economics"

  • 14 Sep
    10:45 - 15:00

    Future-Proof Decision Making Symposium

    From pensions to accountancy, from healthcare to performance management systems, small differences in the way
    information is presented can have huge impact on individuals’ choices, business strategy and policy-making.

  • 14 Sep

    PhD Conferral Mr.drs. Peter Feczko

    “Innovations in total knee arthroplasty and their evaluations”

  • 13 Sep

    Alumni networking event in Ottawa

    Come and join us to meet, network and exchange your experiences

  • 13 Sep
    16:00 - 20:00

    Kick off masters

    Graag nodigen wij jullie uit voor deelname aan een Kick-off kennismakingsbijeenkomst voor de masters Nederlands Recht en Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging, op 13 september 2018, van 16.00 - 20.00 uur.

  • 13 Sep

    PhD Conferral Mrs. Kristin Lundanes Jonvik, MSc.

    “Dietary nitrate and sports performance”

  • 13 Sep

    PhD Conferral Mr. Ivan Mangiulli, MSc.

    "Cognitive Mechanisms Behind the Memory-Undermining Effect of Feigned Crime-Related Amnesia”

  • 12 Sep

    Evolution of the Genus Homo

    Studium Generale – Lecture
    Prof. Katerina Harvati, Professor of Paleoanthropology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

  • 12 Sep
    18:30 - 22:00

    PhD Pitch Night

    Maastricht’s first ever PhD Pitch Night is coming. It’s going to give you a taste of what UM’s finest researchers are working on, like a speed date with knowledge. PhD candidates will have 3 minutes to pitch their research to you and see if they can secure a place on the TEDx Maastricht stage.