Past events

  • 09 Sep
    21:30 - 22:00

    Can a machine make art?

    Can a machine (based on AI) perceive, understand, learn and in the end reproduce concepts about art?

  • 09 Sep
    21:00 - 21:30

    Will data science change the drugs we are prescribed?

    Data science is strongly associated with hi-tech companies like Google and Facebook. Yet our doctors are increasingly able to collect large amounts of data about us too.  Find out more about this data, what we can do with it and what it will mean for how we prescribe drugs.

  • 09 Sep
    19:30 - 20:00

    Can a machine make art?

    Can a machine (based on AI) perceive, understand, learn and in the end reproduce concepts about art? Jerry Spanakis, assistant professor of machine learning and data mining, will tell you.

  • 08 Sep
    21:15 - 21:45

    Sustainability and meaning in life

    Why should we care about the future? Prof. dr. Marc Davidson will explain why in this lecture.

  • 08 Sep
    21:00 - 21:30

    Music and language in the brain

    Hearing does not take place in the ear. Incoming sound waves are filtered, processed and interpreted by the brain. Dr. Michelle Moerel wil explain this process during her lecture.

  • 14 Jul
    15:30 - 16:30

    Exciting cells on-a-chip: relevance for neurodevelopmental disorders

    Dr. Monica Frega (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen) will present a lecture: 'Exciting cells on-a-chip: relevance for neurodevelopmental disorders' for the MaCSBio Lecture Series

  • 23 Jun

    byteMAL 2017

    byteMAL (Bioinformatics for Young inTernational researchers) is a conference for young researchers in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology and aims to provide a new networking platform for knowledge and expertise exchange across borders.

  • 14 Jun
    11:00 - 13:00

    Sharing good practices: video in education

    As a UM staff member interested in video education, you are invited to join an event on the use of video from a didactical perspective. During this event UM teachers of different faculties will present their respective good practices of the use of video in education.

  • 09 Jun
    09:30 - 19:00

    MaCSBio Science Day 2017

    The theme of the meeting is ‘Extending Networks’ and will focus on fostering and expanding our collaborations at Maastricht University and beyond.