Past events

  • 08 Oct

    Movement Matters Debate: Archive as instrument for innovation?

    As part of the upcoming exhibition Movement Matters, 20 jaar Nederlandse Dansdagen, the Dutch Dance festival is organizing a propositional debate on the topic of archive. 

  • 04 Sep
    10:00 - 17:00

    Opening academic year 2017/18

    Can academics change the world?


  • 05 Sep

    Opening academic year 2016/17

    On Monday 5 September 2016 Maastricht University celebrated the annual opening of the academic year 2016/17. The theme was ‘Community at the CORE’.

  • 01 Sep

    Rectorship handover ceremony

    On Thursday 1 September, the outgoing Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University, Professor Luc Soete, will hand over the rectorship to his successor, Professor Rianne Letschert. The ceremony will take place during an academic session starting at 15.00 in the Sint Janskerk, followed by a reception.

  • 02 Sep

    Opening academic year 2013/14

    On Monday 2 September 2013 Maastricht University celebrates the opening of the 2013/14 academic year in the Theater aan het Vrijthof with the theme 'Science for society in the Europe of regions’.