26 Sep
16:00 - 17:00

Spark Session: Diana Natermann


The Maastricht Centre for Arts & Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH) is excited to invite you to the first Spark Session of the academic year, with Dr. Diana Natermann on 26 September 2024, 16:00 - 17:00  at The Plant, Faculty of Art & Social Sciences, Grote Gracht 76, ground floor (follow the signs). Access via the main entrance building at Grote Gracht 90-92.

In her discussion, Dr. Diana Natermann will address colonial photography in its digital form, and how these can be linked with issues of restitution and cultural genocide. 

About the speaker: Before joining the WONAGO Project team at Hamburg University, Dr Diana Miryong Natermann was an Assistant Professor at Leiden University in the International Relations and Global Orders track. Her PhD thesis, titled Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies. Private Memories from the Congo Free State and German East Africa (1884-1914) was published in 2018 and was also a finalist in the Waterloo Centre for German Studies Book Prize. This academic year she has also joined the History Department of Utrecht University as a lecturer. Her current research is linked to two projects that centre Namibia, South Africa and the Congo. One project engages with the long-term effects of colonial photographic visualisations and the creation of racial and racist stereotypes, and the second addresses colonial photography in its digital form and will be the focus of this Spark Session.

Join us as we start off the semester with an engaging presentation that promises insightful discussions. We look forward to seeing you there!

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