Partnerships and collaborations

In addition to our collaboration with four major international university networks such as World Wide University Network (WUN) and Young European Research Universities (YERUN), we also work with many other national, European and global partners. 

Collaborating with Radboud University

Maastricht University and Radboud University have expanded their cooperation to enhance academic and social impact in the South-East Netherlands. They are developing joint programmes in biotechnology and engineering physics, partially based in Venlo and already collaborate on healthcare professional development and academic teacher training.

Read more on the joint ambitions of both partners

York-Maastricht Partnership

The York-Maastricht Partnership (YMP) is a strategic collaboration between Maastricht University and the University of York, focusing on research, teaching and knowledge exchange. Launched in November 2017, the partnership aims to develop joint programmes tackling sustainability challenges while supporting dynamic research and innovative education opportunities.  

Euregional partnerships

Maastricht University actively engages in cross-border projects in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion, connecting cities like Liège, Hasselt, Maastricht, Heerlen and Aachen. Home to 3.9 million people, five universities and 110,000 students, this region offers our graduates excellent employment opportunities. 

UM collaborates with knowledge centres, governments and companies in the region, supporting further internationalisation in research and education. The Brightlands campuses exemplify this collaboration, promoting innovation and intersectoral cooperation. 

UM also participates in research centres focused on cross-border and European issues, including:  

These centres act as 'living labs,' fostering an innovative knowledge region of international standing.

The UM Brussels Hub

The UM Brussels Hub is the University’s main European public affairs engine and an integral part of the ecosystem that supports UM’s missions of education, research, and service to society. It focuses on four main objectives:  

  • Building networks and facilitating community-led meetings 

  • Monitoring and advising on EU policy  

  • Positioning UM and advocating for its interests  

  • Increasing UM’s opportunities to obtain EU research and innovation funding 

Brussels offers not only a direct line to the policy-makers and EU institutions headquartered in the city, but also to the thousands of public and private organisations that have an EU delegation there. Having a strong presence in the EU capital is therefore an important priority for UM’s strategy as the European University of the Netherlands as well as a means to further develop and implement UM’s Europe Policy.  

The UM Brussels Hub shares its office space with two UM partners, the Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance and the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), of which UM’s Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences is a member. This contributes to building synergies at European level across different domains.  


The United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) is a research and training institute based in Maastricht, collaborating closely with Maastricht University. It studies the social, political, and economic factors driving technological innovation, focusing on knowledge creation, diffusion, and access. 

In partnership with the UM School of Governance, UNU-MERIT researches governance in domestic and global organisations, covering risk assessment, policy analysis, design, and evaluation. Together, UM and UNU-MERIT offer a double master’s degree in Public Policy and Human Development. 


MUNDO fosters partnerships between Maastricht University and institutions in emerging and developing countries to enhance education and research capabilities.  

Projects span Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, focusing on curriculum development and tapping into UM’s expertise in innovative teaching methods like Problem-Based Learning. Involving UM faculty, staff, and students, these initiatives promote valuable international experience and enhance UM's global reputation. 

SHE Collaborates

The School of Health Professions Education (SHE) launched "SHE Collaborates" in 2012 to expand international activities and partnerships.  

Drawing on Maastricht University’s 40+ years of expertise in student-centred learning in medicine and health sciences, SHE Collaborates offers innovative training and consulting in education, management, and research. Our collaborations aim to enhance health professions education worldwide by working with diverse partners across disciplines and cultures. 

MUMC+ in India

Since 2008, Maastricht UMC+ has been active in India, forming partnerships with prestigious institutes and aligning research topics with our existing Maastricht UMC+ research programme.   

We currently maintain 25 active collaborations across academic, healthcare, and industrial sectors, with funding support from DBT, DEITY, ICSSR, NWO and ZonMw for various joint projects involving our Indian partners. 

Read more about Maastricht UMC+ in India