Meet us at INKOM!

UnliMited-Students will be present during INKOM this year. You can find us at the information market next to Disability Support on Monday to find out more about what our organisation does. If you would like to join your very first UnliMited event, you can take part in our Collage-making event on Thursday. This event will take place from 15:00-17:00 at the Student Services Centre and is a great way to meet peers with a disability, chronic illness or neurodivergence. 

Also read

  • Starting this summer, we have two new student employees at UnliMited Students. Read their introductions here.

  • Moving orange spots on a yellow background are the first indication that something unusual is taking place in Maastricht's limestone quarry, Sint-Pietersberg. A closer look reveals that these are people clothed in orange vests. They are Maastricht Science Programme students and supervisors. 

  • The area on the Sorbonnelaan in the Maastricht neighbourhood of Randwyck looked somewhat bare and remote about two years ago. This was mainly due to the modular and temporary appearance of the student houses that were quickly built there. Meanwhile, the area is increasingly taking on the character...