Get creative: design YERUN's 10th anniversary logo

Maastricht University is a proud member of YERUN, the Young European Research Universities Network, and we’re celebrating its 10th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we need your creative skills to design a special anniversary logo!



  • €500 cash prize
  • Invitation to the YERUN 10th Anniversary Conference in Brussels, June 2025 (travel and accommodation covered)


What to include in your design:

  • YERUN’s identity as young research universities
  • Collaboration and innovation
  • Commitment to openness and impact


YERUN’s focus areas:

  • Talent development
  • Open culture of excellence
  • Responsible and engaged institutions

Ready to get started? Check out more design tips and how to join here. Don't forget, the deadline to submit your design is 20 September 2024.

Read more about the logo design call on the YERUN website.

YERUN - call for anniversary logo

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