04 Apr

PhD Defence Yil Severijns

Supervisors: Prof. dr. C.E.M. de Die-Smulders, Prof. dr. H. de Vries

Co-supervisor: Dr. L.A.D.M. van Osch

Keywords: Hereditary disease, reproductive options, decision aid, joint decision-making

"My, your or our decision? Exploring, understanding, and optimizing the decision-making process for couples at risk of transmitting a genetic disease to their offspring"

Couples at risk of transmitting a disease to their offspring, face challenges when deciding if, and how, to fulfil their desire to have (a) child(ren). Factors such as the severity of the condition and the risk of inheritance play a role in this decision-making process. This research aimed to gain insight into the reproductive decision-making process, particularly how partners make decisions together, and to develop and test a decision aid tailored to the needs of couples. Results indicate that couples generally make decisions together, with women often having more influence due to their potential role in carrying a pregnancy. The decision aid received positive feedback and resulted in increased knowledge, realistic expectations, and deliberation. Additionally, it helped individuals feel better prepared to make a decision.

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