Workshop on Structural Adjustment for 21st Century Resilience: Transforming the DRC Economy


Join our workshop on 23 January on tackling the economic challenges of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the 21st century! Discover tailored strategies for building a stronger economy through structural adjustments, inclusive development, and using technology.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the transformative dialogue shaping the DRC’s economic future. Join us in strategizing for resilience and growth in the 21st century.

Key Highlights:

  1. 21st Century Challenges:
    Examine global shifts impacting the DRC and understand how to navigate these challenges.
  2. Structural Adjustment Strategies:
    Discuss policies and reforms to enhance economic diversification, attract investments, and boost competitiveness.
  3. Inclusive Development:
    Explore initiatives promoting equitable opportunities and empowerment for all.
  4. Technology for Growth:
    Embrace digital transformation and innovation to drive productivity and efficiency.
  5. Global Partnerships:
    Foster international collaborations and trade partnerships for economic growth.
  6. Interactive Sessions:
    Engage in workshops and case studies to apply practical solutions.

Date: January 23, 2023, 12:00-14:00 CET (AMSTERDAM TIME)
Who: Cyriac Lusilu, Humanitarian and Social Philanthropy for DRCongo and Africa

Relevant links

Register: //
More information: YUFE 

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