Full list of EDLAB events and activities

There are no professional development activities planned at EDLAB during the summer break. If you would like to work on your professionalisation in your own time and space, we invite you to check out the two following options:

Shared courses and workshops beyond UM

Are you eager to hear more about the latest educational developments and learn from colleagues from other universities?  Then, this is your chance to be part of a national collaboration specifically designed to bring you together with a diverse community of teaching staff from different institutions.

From 15 March 2024, university teaching staff will have even greater opportunities to learn and develop by participating in a national initiative created by six Dutch universities. From Rotterdam to Maastricht, Amsterdam to Groningen: face-to-face meetings, online courses, webinars and hybrid activities will be offered at various locations, dates and times in 2024.

This allows educators to delve deeper into relevant topics such as innovative technologies, diversity and inclusivity, assessment, and sustainable development goals. These six institutions enable teaching staff to choose from a rich and diverse offering that aligns with their own development needs and professional interests without being bound to a fixed location.