12 Jan

PhD Defence Felix Sebastián Gubler

Supervisor: Prof. dr. Y. Temel

Co-supervisors: Dr. P.L. Kubben, Dr. L. Ackermans

Keywords: Deep Brain Stimulation, accuracy, safety, clinical outcome

"Technical, surgical, and clinical nuances in stereotactic deep brain stimulation surgery Accuracy, safety and outcome"

This thesis investigated the technical nuances affecting accuracy, as well as the surgical nuances concerning complications and the clinical nuances concerning long-term outcomes in stereotactic deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. The results of this thesis showed that technical improvements could correct inaccuracies like asymmetrical frame mounting. Also, thicker sliced CT could be used, without loss of accuracy, with the benefit of potentially less radiation exposure for the patient. No shaving of the cranial hair of the patient could lead to fewer infections. Additionally, it better respects the patient's physical and psychological integrity. Moreover, the brains of epilepsy patients seemed more vascularized which could make a DBS more challenging regarding a hemorrhagic complication. Lastly, the long-term outcome of DBS in Parkinson’s patients showed a patient more severely affected by non-motor symptoms.

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