11 Dec
19:00 - 21:00

Dialogue Session 'Transition to a fossil-free society'

We would like to invite you to the Dialogue Session on what role Maastricht University (UM) and its community will take on cooperating with partners in the fossil industry.  

Before the start of the summer recess, UM published a statement that it will sharpen the rules on partner agreements. One of our goals is to stop cooperating with parties that obstruct the transition to a fossil-free, climate-neutral society - while at the same time encouraging cooperation with parties working on solutions. In this UM-wide dialogue, we would like to start the conversation about our collective role as an institution and a community. We will reflect on our partnerships and our own activities at all levels, keeping the three objectives mentioned in the statement in mind.

The setup of the evening is a panel dialogue. The panel is a good reflection of the dialogue spectrum, with each panel member having a different point of view to the dialogue topic. It will be an interactive dialogue where the input of the audience is essential. Various questions about green washing, academic freedom, collaborations etc. will be addressed. The dialogue will be presided by an external host. The focus of the dialogue is ‘Transition to a fossil free society’.
Members of the Executive Board and Management Team will be present in the audience to pick up input and insights for the following steps.

The Dialogue Session is for UM community members. Upon entering, make sure to have your UM card with you.

UM wide and Faculty Dialogue Sessions
The Dialogue Sessions will take place across UM. The goal of these sessions is to collect information and advice. The UM-wide Dialogue Session on 11 December will be the first Kick-Off session. Subsequently, dialogue sessions will take place in each faculty, so we can zoom in on the different disciplines and invite external stakeholders as well. More information about the Dialogue Session in your faculty will follow.

Based on all findings, the Executive Board, in collaboration with Sustainable UM 2030 and the UM community, will develop concrete goals and follow-up steps during 2024.

This dialogue session is open to all UM staff and students. To participate in this dialogue session, you need to register in advance by clicking the green button.