31 Jan
15:00 - 16:30

CPD workshop: Canvas Proficiency Course: Quizzes

This CPD course is designed to equip lecturers with the knowledge and skills required to effectively use Canvas Quizzes for continuous assessment and student self-assessment purposes. 

Canvas Quizzes is a tool that enables the creation and administration of online assessments, offering various question types and customisation options. Through this course, participants will learn how to maximise the potential of Canvas Quizzes to enhance their assessment practices and provide efficient feedback to students.

Since every course is unique and requires its own set of activities and tools, we also offer personal support after the workshop. Our student assistant team is here to help you optimise your use of Canvas for your specific needs!

This activity will be offered on-site at EDLAB on several dates.

About the trainers

The Canvas Implementation Team consists of UM students who will help teachers optimise their use of the Canvas digital platform.

Iveta Dzivite is a biomedical Master's student with a background in education.

Austin Isabella is a Physician – Clinical Investigator Master's student.

The student assistants at EDLAB possess academic and professional experience in education. They are committed to providing teaching staff with the support they need regarding the use of Canvas or external tools within Canvas. They can be reached at teachingsupport@maastrichtuniversity.nl.