21 Sep
16:00 - 18:00

(Re) Connect with UnliMited-Students

For the first event of the academic year, we would like to invite you to (Re) Connect with UnliMited-Students during our event on Thursday 21 September 2023. There will be drinks, snacks and lots of games to get to know each other!

Nice to meet you!

Are you interested what UnliMited-Students is about? Do you want to meet other (PhD) students with disabilities, chronic illness or neurodivergence? Do you want to connect with other students? Then join us for a relaxed evening with mingling, board games, and a small DIY activity - our patchwork is growing!

We will start off by introducing UnliMited-Students, what this community has to offer and will then focus on getting to know each other through some ice-breakers and board games.
Disability Support will also be represented at the event to answer any questions about studying with a disability and the like.
Throughout the event, there will be the possibility to chat to current members of UnliMited-Students and ask about open positions if you are considering becoming an active volunteer. 

Please click on the green button to register and see the complete programme.
The event will be hosted on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible. Don't hesitate to contact us at unlimited-students@maastrichtuniversity.nl if you have any questions!

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