26 Jun

PhD conferral Alessandro Concari

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Pim Martens, Prof. Dr. Gerjo Kok

Keywords: Waste separation behavior, recycling, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Theory of Reasoned Goal Pursuit (TRGP)

"Understanding waste separation behavior through the application of an extended form of the theory of planned behavior (TPB)

The most diffused socio-psychological theories applied to waste separation behavior analyze this behavior starting from some typical constructs (or precursors of the behavior). These constructs vary depending on the selected theory. In the case of the Theory of Planned Behavior these constructs measure the attitude and the intention to perform the behavior of interest by the individual, the influence of social norms on the individual and the perceived control of this behavior by the individual.

This thesis aims at improving the understanding and the prediction of waste separation behavior through the application of the Theory of Planned Behavior with the addition of some constructs such as habits, motivation and goals. Furthermore, this thesis applies the recent Theory of Reasoned Goal Pursuit to a case study in the Netherlands in order to better understand the effects of goals on waste separation behavior. The results show that the intention of the individual to perform this behavior (although repetitive in nature) is significantly influenced by personal goals and motivation. Lastly, this thesis offers some indications to promote behavior changes and to improve waste management.

Language: English

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