Terminating your studies

If you are terminating your study programme, you probably have a lot on your mind. Still, it is important to arrange several things on time. It does not matter whether you are graduating or quitting your studies.

  1. Submit a disenrolment request to Studielink
  2. Stop your student finance and the student travel product
  3. See whether you will be reimbursed any excess tuition fees
  4. Moving abroad? Deregister from the municipality

1. Submit a disenrolment request to Studielink

Whether you are graduating or terminating your studies for some other reason, you must submit your request to disenrol via Studielink. You must submit this request as soon as you submit your final assignment or thesis or sit your final exam. Your enrolment will be terminated the month after Maastricht University received your request or disenrolment. If you graduate without disenroling, this may have consequences for the tuition fees you are required to pay.

Please note: It is not possible to disenrol with retroactive effect in Studielink. If you submit a request on 12 December to disenrol as of 1 November, this will be rejected in Studielink.

Go to Studielink to submit your request to disenrolment   

Your request will subsequently be sent to Maastricht University and processed. On the <My Studielink> page you can track the status of your request via <My messages> and <My study programmes (Status)>.

Once UM has confirmed your disenrolment, your status in Studielink will show up as <De-registered>.

Read more about disenroling via Studielink   

2. Stop your student finance and student travel product

If you are no longer enroled as a student at a Dutch institution for higher education, you are no longer eligible for study financing or a student travel product.

Please ignore the information about 'Discontinuing study financing' and 'Stopping student travel product' if you do not receive Dutch study financing or a student travel product via DUO.

Discontinuing study financing

Submitting a request to disenrol does not automatically stop your study financing and student travel card. You need to cancel these yourself. You can discontinue your study financing via the DUO website, either with immediate effect or from a particular date in the future.

Stopping student travel product

You must stop your student travel product at a pick-up device. Stop your student travel product no later than the 10th day of the month in which you are no longer eligible for it. You may no longer travel with your student travel product from the first day of that month. If you use your student travel product when you are no longer eligible for one, DUO will give you a transport fine. 

Example: if August is the last month in which you are eligible for the student travel product, you must cancel your student travel product by 10 September at the latest.

Please note: Maastricht University does not accept claims for any fines incurred if you do not disenrol on time via Studielink, terminate your study financing and/or cancel your student travel card on time.

Read more about stopping your student travel product   

3. See whether you will be reimbursed any excess tuition fees

If you disenrol, either temporarily or permanently because you have graduated, you may be reimbursed a portion of the tuition fees you have paid. For every month of the academic year for which you are no longer enroled, you receive 1/12 of your tuition fee back.

  • If you are enroled as an external student and decide to disenrol, your exam fees will not be reimbursed.
  • Did you pay in instalments? In this case, the direct debits will be discontinued.
  • Did you disenrol as of 1 July or 1 August? You are not entitled to reimbursement of the tuition fees paid for these months; to this end we refer you to UM’s Enrolment Provisions. Alternatively, you can choose not to disenrol for the months of July and August. Click here for more information.

Questions about the reimbursement of tuition fees?
Send an email to: tuitionfeepayment@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Questions about collecting or refund of your tuition fee?

Finance, Debiteurenadministratie
Monday - Friday:  08:00 - 12:00
+ 31 (0)43 388 4752

4. Moving abroad? Deregister from the municipality

If you are leaving Maastricht and moving abroad, it is important to deregister from the municipality. You need to deregister to avoid municipal taxes that can be charged if you ever decide to move back into the Netherlands. Next to that, it could be a problem for your roommates and the next tenant of your room or apartment if you are still registered at your old address.

You can deregister from the municipality online.