Bachelor Student Prize Winner | 48th Dies Natalis

Kyra Pauly

  School of Business and Economics | Bachelor Economics and Business Economics

"The Financial Impact of Enterprise Architecture Adoption"

Kyra's elevator pitch
"My thesis explores the financial impact of Enterprise Architecture (EA) adoption, particularly focusing on cloud computing as a measurable aspect. It challenges traditional academic approaches by utilizing publicly available data from U.S. corporations’ financial statements. I synthesize existing literature on EA benefits and propose a novel quantitative methodology. The approach aims to quantify the tangible benefits of EA, moving beyond survey-based research to offer new insights into the financial implications of adopting EA practices. By proposing a concrete analysis strategy for cloud spending data, it seeks to demonstrate EA’s concrete value, contributing to both academic and practical understanding of EA’s role in modern business."

Kyra Pauly

Congratulations Kyra

In this video Kyra is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.