MCICM researchers co-hosted Lorentz workshop in Leiden

Denise Petzold and Peter Peters co-hosted the Lorentz workshop ‘Music beyond fixity and fluidity; preservation and performance as instauration’ in Leiden from September 12 to 16, 2022.

The workshop, organised together with Hannah Bosma from the University of Amsterdam, and Floris Schuiling from Utrecht University, focused on how musical works are brought into existence, how they are preserved and performed over time. Taking Antoine Hennion’s assumption that music is always in the making, the workshop studied music as ‘work to be done.’

The workshop included academic lectures and discussions as well as practice-based work in the form of studios. Each studio covered a different musical genre: western classical orchestral music, improvised and experimental jazz music, and avant-garde electroacoustic music. This collaboration will likely result in a variety of outcomes, such as for example an edited volume, a dynamic multimedia archive, a website, or a special issue.

MCICM Lorentz workshop 2

For more information, please visit the workshop website.