WiDS Maastricht Conference 2022 - Human centric data-driven innovation.

Data driven innovation is increasingly a key success in bringing integral solutions in the healthcare sector. In the recent years, the abundance of data and in particular in the consumer sectors has led to a rapid development of machine learning techniques enabling the study of consumer behaviours for the sake of improved and personalized services. While the healthcare sector is enjoying rich data, extracting value to serve patients’ health is not straightforward. Above all, patient privacy and safety must be maintained and governed with regulatory processes entailing the use of data and extracted value to serve patients’ outcome with measured cost and burden on the healthcare system and professionals. Therefore, by taking the human central approach in our daily work, we seek meaningful innovation in data science enabling professionals to deliver the best to their patient at lower cost. Philips has a long history in developing successful healthcare solutions. In this presentation, I will follow the path of data-to-value focusing on a medical use case and demonstrating how a human centric technological solution is bringing value in healthcare.

Dr. Calina Ciuhu-Pijlman grew up in a small danubian town in Romania, and her passion for mathematics began in her childhood, enjoying solving problems and math puzzles, as well as reading about famous mathematicians and history of science. She studied physics and graduated in 1998 from Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania, with a thesis on supersymmetry and supergravity. In 2003 she received her PhD title in theoretical physics from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In the same year she joined Philips Research and worked on various applications areas, such as picture quality, image analysis and pattern recognition in medical applications, and  developing new sensing technologies for patient monitoring, combining data analysis with methodology from theoretical physics. Her current interest is particularly in technology that enables a human centric interaction with medical data for healthcare professionals.

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Dr. Calina Ciuhu-Pijlman
Dr. Calina Ciuhu-Pijlman
