D&I Education and Social Safety

Sexual Violence & Social Safety

Welcome to the sexual violence & social safety webpage!

On this page you can find resources that may help you or someone you know with matters of sexual harassment, assault or intimidation. You can read UM's report Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment among UM Students and find the livestream recording of our conference from November 3rd, 2021.
Moreover, more information about the #LetsTalkAboutYES campaign by Amnesty International and the six promises which Maastricht University has pledged to uphold can also be found.

Conference on'Sexual Assault and Harassment - Prevention and Support at UM (2021)

On 3 November 2021, UM organised a conference on the topic 'Sexual Assault and Harassment - Prevention and Support at UM and in Maastricht. The conference was hosted by UM'President and Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert and moderated by UM's Chief Diversity Officer - Constance Sommerey, and welcomed presentations from:

  • Dagmar Oudshoorn (Director of Amnesty International Netherlands)
  • Alex Fletcher ('Let's Talk About YES' - Maastricht)
  • Iva Bicanic (Director of the Sexual Assualt Centre / Centrum voor Seksueel Geweld)
  • Vivian Smeets (Coordinator of Sexual Assault Centre Limburg)
  • Alice Wellum (Researcher for the UM Report 'Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment among UM Students')

Find below the report by Amnesty International Netherlands and the #LetsTalkAboutYES manifesto:
 #LetsTalkAboutYES manifesto
 Amnesty report 'Studenten over verkrachting' (Dutch)

Check out the social media channels:
 Let's talk about YES Maastricht
 Catcalls of Maastricht

Recordings Conference 3.11.2021 Public Part