LIJN-50 regional foresight study

LIJN-50 regional foresight study

The new Dutch Environment and Planning Act (‘Omgevingswet’) aims for more integrated policy to be developed in a participatory way. To support the so-called LIJN-50 municipalities Vaals, Gulpen-Wittem and Eijsden-Margraten in South Limburg, the Netherlands, the Maastricht Sustainability Institute and Pantopicon (a foresight and design studio in Antwerp) explored the potential of the region towards 2050 by means of a foresight study. To this end, the following activities were carried out. Firstly, an analysis of current policy at local and regional level. Secondly, a public consultation by means of an online survey, to which more than 1,000 residents gave their valuable input. Finally, high-profile entrepreneurs, out-of-the-box thinkers, and civil servants were questioned about their vision and opinion. The research resulted in a report (‘Bouwstenennotitie’) that was well received by the councils and administrations of the three municipalities, and which will be a starting point for a future-oriented development vision for the region.

More information: Nicole Rijkens (, and Ron Cörvers (