45th Dies Natalis

Bachelor Student Prize Winner

Eighteen students completed their bachelor's degree in 2020 with a thesis that was labelled ‘excellent’ by their faculty. Here you will find a short introduction to these excellent theses in the form of an "elevator pitch" from each student, plus a video in which the supervisor briefly addresses the lucky winner.

Johanna Tassot

 Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences | Bachelor European Public Health

"Risks of Oocyte Donation for Donors: a Systematic Literature Review"

Johanna's elevator pitch 
Oocyte donors are currently not adequately protected by European Union legislation. In my thesis, I provide a comprehensive overview of the existing research on the physical and non-physical risks of oocyte donation for donors. While the findings highlight the relevance of certain short-term physical risks, they also reveal a high degree of uncertainty about the long-term physical risks, as well as a profound psychosocial impact of the donation on oocyte donors. Thus, I conclude that the focus of oocyte donor protection measures should go beyond short-term physical risks and also consider long-term risks and psychosocial risks.

Johanna Tassot
Johanna Tassot

Congratulations Johanna

In this video Johanna is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.