45th Dies Natalis

Bachelor Student Prize Winner

Eighteen students completed their bachelor's degree in 2020 with a thesis that was labelled ‘excellent’ by their faculty. Here you will find a short introduction to these excellent theses in the form of an "elevator pitch" from each student, plus a video in which the supervisor briefly addresses the lucky winner.

Lucas Uberti-Bona Marin

 Faculty of Science and Engineering | Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering 

"Learning to learn: a drug resistance learning pipeline"

Lucas' elevator pitch 
I worked on building predictive models that tried to determine the effectiveness of different cancer drugs on patients based on their gene expression. For this I used three large pharmacogenomic studies. 

The main objective was to test out many different possible configurations for these predictive models as to determine which ones would perform best. After testing over 100k configurations I managed to obtain models that performed 642% better than my baseline. This led to further insights into the Machine Learning techniques that can work best when handling high-dimensional regression on different datasets.

Lucas Uberti
Lucas Uberti-Bona Marin

Congratulations Lucas

In this video Lucas is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.