ICLHE Keynote speakers

The organizers and ICLHE are delighted to announce our three outstanding keynote speakers. Professor Aminata Cairo will speak at the opening on Wednesday 20 October 2021; Professor Philippe Van Parijs will give an address on Thursday 21 October 2021; and Dr Kristina Hultgren will give the closing keynote on Friday 22 October 2021. 

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Aminata Cairo
Aminata Cairo

Aminata Cairo

Aminata Cairo is an independent consultant and the former Lector of Inclusive Education at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (2017 – 2020), the first and only research professor in the Netherlands of African descent.  Born and raised in the Netherlands to Surinamese parents, she left for the US to pursue her college education. She obtained Master’s Degrees in Clinical Psychology and Medical Anthropology and a Ph.D. in Medical Anthropology. As an international woman of color she experienced firsthand the challenges of diversity and inclusion. In her applied anthropological work with students, education and community organizations she has continually strived to promote inclusion at both the academic and the community level.  She received the International Education Faculty Achievement Award and the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian award at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 2013 for her efforts. In 2016 she received the Honorary Order of the Palm, a state decoration by the Government of Suriname for her contribution in culture.

Anna Kristina Hultgren
Anna Kristina Hultgren

Anna Kristina Hultgren

Anna Kristina Hultgren holds a DPhil in Sociolinguistics (Oxford, 2009) and an MA in English and French Language (Copenhagen, 1999). Kristina is currently Senior Lecturer in English Language and Applied Linguistics at The Open University, UK, and Future Leaders Fellow at UK Research and Innovation. Since 2020, she is leading a seven-year interdisciplinary project funded with £1.1 million by the UK Research and Innovation on English as a Medium of Instruction. With collaborators at six European universities, the project seeks to apply theories, methodologies and concepts from political science to arrive at a deeper understanding of why universities increasingly teach in English. Prior to this, Kristina’s been involved, as PI and Co-I, in seven externally funded research projects on the role and status of English in the world, particularly in education, and has researched contexts as diverse as Denmark, Sweden, UK, Ghana, India, Hong Kong, the Philippines and Nepal. Kristina serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of English-Medium Instruction and the Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes and the Routledge Studies in English-Medium Instruction. She has authored numerous research articles and book chapters and edited and co-edited several books and journal special issues.

Philippe Van Parijs
Philippe Van Parijs

Philippe Van Parijs

Philippe Van Parijs is a guest professor at the Universities of Louvain and Leuven and a Robert Schuman Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence). He was the founding director of Louvain’s Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics from 1991 to 2016, and a regular visiting professor at Harvard University from 2004 to 2008 and at the University of Oxford from 2011 to 2015.

He is a member of Belgium’s Royal Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the British Academy. He was awarded the Francqui Prize in 2001 and the Arkprijs voor het Vrije Woord in 2011. He is one of the founders of the Basic Income Earth Network and chairs its Advisory Board. He is (with Alex Housen and Nell Foster) the coordinator of the Marnix Plan for a Multilingual Brussels and  (with Paul De Grauwe) of the Re-Bel initiative (“Rethinking Belgium’s institutions in the European context”). An opinion piece he published in May 2012 under the title «Picnic the Streets» triggered the civil disobedience movement that led to the pedestrianization of Brussels’ central lanes.

His books include Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences (Rowman & Littlefield, 1981),  Qu’est-ce qu’une société juste? (Seuil, 1991), Marxism Recycled (Cambridge U.P., 1993),  Real Freedom for All (Oxford U.P. 1995), What’s Wrong with a Free Lunch? (Beacon Press, 2001), Just Democracy. The Rawls-Machiavelli Programme (ECPR 2011), Linguistic Justice for Europe and for the World (Oxford U.P. 2011), After the Storm. How to Save Democracy in Europe (Lannoo 2015, ed. with L. van Middelaar), Basic Income. A radical proposal for a free society and a sane economy (Harvard U.P. 2017, with Y. Vanderborght) and Belgium. Une utopie pour notre temps/ Belgium. Een utopie voor onze tijd (Académie royale de Belgique/ Polis, 2018).