Meeting Minds

Meet the new committee members of Alumni Circle Zuid-Limburg

The Alumni Circle Zuid-Limburg has three new committee members! They introduce themselves below. 

Would you like to join the team? This alumni circle is still looking for new committee members! So do you have a warm heart for the region? Do you want to have fun, while doing something meaningful? Please reach out via

Iris Hillege

Iris has been working at Maastricht University from the moment that she started studying with a student job at the Marketing & Communications department and has not left since. She completed the bachelor's programme Psychology (2017) and the master's programme Developmental Psychology (2019).

Now she works as the student recruitment officer for the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience. As a recruiter, Iris focusses on the promotion and provision of information of the studies from the faculty for all prospective students. Besides working at the university, she actively plays field hockey in Maastricht and still helps the students with the organisation of events now and then.


Vincent van Buul

Vincent is an enthusiastic R&D professional and registered nutrition scientist, working for DSM. In his job, he focuses on projects that ensure that the right disruptive technologies are given the opportunity to come to fruition. He completed the bachelor's programme Life Sciences at University College Maastricht (2010), master's programme Health Food Innovation Management at Maastricht University Campus Venlo (2012) and a PhD in Behavioral Nutrition at the Open Universiteit (2018).

Next to his job, he is an active contributor to Limburg’s innovation ecosystem. He mentors start-ups in the field of innovative food (via BL.INC.), gives guest lectures at local universities and colleges (at Maastricht University, Fontys, Hotel Management School) and is a member of several scientific Advisory Boards (Healthy Eating and Food Innovation (UM), University College Venlo (UM), and the PROOF consortium).


Bart Driessen

As a psychologist with experience in cognitive behavioural therapy and psychosomatics, Bart treats employees dealing with chronic pain or recovering from stress-related mental issues such as burnout and depression. Nowadays, he works for the healthcare organisation Adelante at the department of Work Reintegration. Within the department, Bart focuses on intervention programs designed to support people getting back to work in a happy, healthy and sustainable way.

Bart completed the bachelor's programme Psychology & Neuroscience (2018) and continued his studies at UM with the master's programme Work & Organizational Psychology (2019). During his studies, he worked as a student ambassador and library student within UM. As he has always been closely connected to the university and sometimes even misses student life, Bart did not had to think twice for joining the committee of Alumni Circle Zuid-Limburg!
