Young European Research Universities (YERUN)

As one of the best young universities in the world, UM is one of the founders of the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN), which facilitates cooperation in research, education and service to society. Its members share a number of values, which include an orientation towards high-impact research, an emphasis on graduate employability and quality of teaching and a shared commitment to internationalisation. YERUN also offers research mobility awards for cross-border research and research workshops, which are joint conferences that facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas. 

  About YERUN
  YERUN Members
  Benefits of the YERUN membership
  YERUN Strategic Programme

Benefits of the YERUN membership



  • YERUN Summer School - each YERUN university can nominate a number of students to participate in a YERUN Summer School. The themes of the Summer Schools vary. In the future, there may also be a Summer School for staff.

Researchers and support staff

  • YERUN staff days - twice a year, YERUN organizes a Staff Day about a specific subject. The Staff Days bring together experts (researchers and support staff) from the several partner universities to exchange knowledge and to develop joint projects.  
  • YERUN Open Science Awards - a financial award for researchers and support staff (individual or as a team) to further elaborate an Open Science initiative.
  • Joint YERUN projects (e.g. the YERUN LINK EDU-RES project in the area of joint YERUN PhD programmes) on subjects that are relevant to the partners.

Support staff

YERUN ad-hoc work groups on various policy fields  (among others Open Science, EU policy, development of academic careers)

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YERUN Strategic Programme

The Young European Research Universities Network presents a new strategy for 2021-2025. With this forward-looking document, YERUN is equipped with a solid and inspiring strategy that will guide the network’s activities for the next five years. This strategy aims to step up the network’s growth across the following focus areas: 

  • Talent development
  • Open Culture of Excellence
  • Responsible and Engaged Universities

  Click here to download the YERUN Strategic Programme.

yerun strategic programme


More news items
  • The Young European Research Universities Network extends a warm invitation to researchers and staff from Maastricht University and other member universities to submit their applications for the YERUN Open Science Awards 2023.

  • Maastricht University (UM) is a leading advocate for Open Science, promoting transparency, accessibility and collaboration in research and education. Dennie Hebels, UM's Open Science Officer, sheds light on the significance of this movement and its impact on academia and society.