Student Papers on State Aid and Public Procurement



  Paula Alegria Torrellas and Shiraz Dromi Zernitsky, Service concessions under the proposed Concessions Directive
  Andrés Álvarez-Fernández and Peter Brandstrup, The access of third countries to the European Union's public procurement market 
  Georgi Batoev and Christian Schlosser, The advantages and disadvantages of the various procurement procedures
  Amélie Habets and Laurence Temmerman Green Public Procurement - Analysis of current practices and possible future developments
  Axel Frederik Hanzalik and Ondřej Šváb, The Defence & Security  Directive 2009/81/EC - A comparative evaluation of the position of the individual firm within the procurement process in a European and international setting
  Zuzanna Kurek  and Anjena Narang, The development of state aid in the aviation sector – A case study on the low-cost airline Ryanair 
  Marcus Meyer and Christopher Mondschein, Regulatory approaches in the EU energy sector
  Sarah Kim and Nefeli Filos, State Aid and the financial crisis - An assesment under the State aid rules for the banking sector


  Andrea de Bie + Plamena Filipova, Development of Environmental Considerations within European Union Public Procurement
  Luca Bolzonello + Emiliano Canali, The Opacity of Transparency: Issues of application of the principle of transparency to public contract awards falling outside the scope of Directive 18/2004
  Cesulyte Egle + Simas Gerdvila, Green public procurement in the European Union: A case of Lithuania
  David de Groot + Joël Gunthardt, Green Public Procurement: An EU and Member State Perspective
  Kayleigh Brown + Tobias Tiemann, EU State  Aid Policy and the EC-Airbus case
  Luis Loras Oteo + Jan Hendrik Quandt, Challenges of International Government Procurement The Revised GPA from a European Perspective 
  Kevin Palmen + Mariusz Trajfacki, State Aid in the financial crisis
  Maria Geilmann + Marta Ottanelli, The fourth Altmark criterion -Ensuring competition and transparency through Public Procurement procedures in SGEIs
  Onno Heitling, The principle of transparency in public procurement
  Orsolya Tokaji-Nagy + Sead Kadic, Directive 2009/81/EC on EU Defence and Security Procurement: A major step towards creating a truly EU Defence Equipment Market.  To what extent has Directive 2009/81/EC been transposed into Hungarian and German national laws? A comparative analysis 
  Zsófia Halmágyi + Sabrina Fetea, State Aid and Public Service Broadcasting
  Joanna Lenart  + Ana Sofia Jacinto, State Aid and EU Cultural Policy: the Example of Films
  Marianthi Spyropoulou + Victoria Stickelberger, State Aid and Air Transport: An Analysis of Case Law
  Remi van de Calseijde + Joris Veenhuis, An Assessment of the ‘Exit Strategy’ of the Temporary Framework of State Aid Rules for Financial Institutions in the Light of the Financial and Economic Crisis