Academic Ceremonies November 2015

PhD Conferral Dhr. Venkatasublu S.A. Thutupalli, MSc

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. S.V. Ramani

Wednesday 4 November, 14.00 hours  

Title: ‘Technology Paradigm Shifts in Agriculture: Drivers of Sustainability and Catch up’

PhD Conferral Mw. Inge G.A. Lecluijze, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof. dr. K. Horstman
  • prof. dr. F.J.M. Feron 


  • dr. B. Penders

Wednesday 4 November, 16:00 hours

Title: 'The wrong tool for the job; the introduction of the child Index in Dutch child welfare’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Christophe C.J. Van Eecke

Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen


  • prof.dr. M.Meijer
  • prof.dr. K. Vanhaesebrouck


  • dr. J. Post

Thursday 5 November, 10.00 hours 

Title: ‘PANDAEMONIUM; Ken Russell’s Artist Biographies as Baroque Performance’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Narendra Kumar

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J.G. Maessen


  • C. Timmermans
  • prof.dr. S. Gelsomino

Thursday 5 November, 12.00 hours


Title: ‘Atrial fibrillation ablation: Pitfalls and potential solutions’

PhD Conferral Mw. Yvonne T.M. Vanneste-van Zandvoort, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. F. Eron
  • prof.dr. L.A.M. van de Goor


  • dr. J.J.P. Mathijssen
  • dr. M.C. Rots-de Vries

Thursday 5 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Reported sick from school; a study into addressing medical absenteeism among students’

PhD Conferral Mw. Romina J.G. Gentier, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H.W.M. Steinbusch
  • prof.dr. D.A. Hopkins


  • dr. F.W. van Leeuwen

Thursday 5 November, 16.00 hours


Title: ‘UBB+1; an important switch in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease’

PhD Conferral Mw. Zoe (Zoi) Samara, MSc

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


  • prof.dr. J.G. Ramaekers


  • dr. P.Stiers
  • dr. E.A.T. Evers

Friday 6 November, 10.00 hours


Title: 'Neuroimaging Markers of Major depressive disorder: Orbitomedial Prefrontal Cortex and beyond’​

PhD Conferral Mw. Pilou Janssens, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. M.S. Westerterp-Plantenga
  • prof.dr. P.H.M. Savelkoul


  • dr. J. Penders

Friday 6 November 12.00 hours


Title: ‘Thermogenic ingredients; energy expenditure and intestinal absorption’

PhD Conferral Mw. Alie de Boer, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A.Bast
  • prof.dr. E. Vos

Friday 6 November 2015, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘Interactions between nutrition and medicine in effect and law’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Agustin Parise, LL.M

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. C.H. van Rhee
  • prof.dr. J.H.M. van Erp

Tuesday 10 November, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘Ownership Paradigms in American Civil Law Jurisdictions manifestations of the Shifts in the Legislation of Louisiana, Chile, and Argentina (16th – 20th Centuries)'

PhD Conferral Mw. drs. Valerie P.M. van den Eertwegh

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A. Scherpbier
  • prof.dr. C. van der Vleuten
  • prof.dr. S. van Dulmen


  • dr. J. van Dalen

Wednesday 11 November, 12.00 hours


Title: ‘Unraveling postgraduate communication learning: From transfer to transformative learning’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Thomas Biermeyer, LL.M

PhD Conferral Dhr. Thomas Biermeyer, LL.M


  • prof.dr. H.G. Schneider


  • mr. dr. M. Olaerts

Wednesday 11 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Stakeholder protection in cross-border seat transfers in the EU; between freedom and boundaries’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Roger F.J. Bemelmans, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. L.P. de Witte
  • P.P. Jonker


  • dr. G.J. Gelderblom†

Wednesday 11 November, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘A study of the possibilities and effect of assistive robots in the intramural elderly healthcare’

PhD Conferral Mw. Leonie Pelkmans, Msc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J.W.M. Heemskerk (de Jure)
  • prof.dr. H.C. Hemker (De Facto)


  • dr. B. de Laat
  • dr. H. Kelchtermans

Thursday 12 November, 10.00 hours 

Title: ‘Innovative assays to detect bleeding and thrombotic tendencies: a focus on thrombin generation and fibrin formation’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Thomas M.A. Kerkhofs, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H.R. Haak 


  • dr. M.N. Kerstens

Thursday 12 November, 12.00 hours 

Title: ‘Adrenocortical Carcinoma; a study on epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment of a rare endocrine malignancy’

PhD Conferral Mw. Sanne M.J. Smeets, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. C.M. v. Heugten
  • prof.dr. R.W. Ponds


  • dr. I. Winkens

Thursday 12  November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Insights into insight: studies on awareness of deficits after acquired brain injury’

PhD Conferral Mw. Siti N. Wulan, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. K.R. Westerterp


  • dr. G. Plasqui

Thursday 12 November, 16.00 hours 

Title: ‘Energy metabolism in relation to diet and physical activity: a comparison between Asians and Caucasians’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Kim Beerhorst

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A.P. Aldenkamp 
  • prof.dr. R. van Oostenbrugge


  • dr. P. verschuure

Friday 13 November, 10.00 hours

Title: ‘Bone disease in chronic epilepsy: fit for a fracture’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Kim P.G.M. Hurkens

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. C.D.A. Stehouwer


  • dr. W.J. Mulder
  • dr. P.H.M. van der Kuy
  • dr. R. Janknegt

Friday 13 November, 12.00 hours

Title: ‘Medication Surveillance in older patients clinical Decision support as the next step in medication safety'

PhD Conferral Dhr. Robert-Jan Schipper, MD

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. R.G.H. Beets-Tan


  • dr. M.L. Schmidt
  • dr. M.B.I. Lobbes

Friday 13 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Exploring innovative nodal imaging and treatment strategies in breast cancer’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Peter C.J. Schmeits, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H. van Loveren


  • dr. A. Peijnenburg

Friday 13 November, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘Evaluation of in vitro immunotoxicity tests using transcriptomics’

PhD Conferral Mw. Silvia C. Gómez Soler

Faculty of Humanities and sciences


  • prof.dr. J. Dronkers


  • dr. J. Restrepo

Tuesday 17 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Civil conflict and education: how does exposure to civil conflict affect human capital accumulation? Evidence from standardized exit exams in Colombia’ 

PhD Conferral Dhr. Shane A. White, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • Prof.dr. F. Verhaegen


  • dr. B. Reniers

Wednesday 18 November, 10.00 hours

Title: ‘Application of Monte Carlo algorithms to the calculation of dose and RBE for low energy'

PhD Conferral Dhr.drs. Ludo I.F. Penning

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. G.H.I.M. Walenkamp 
  • prof.dr. R.A. de Bie

Wednesday 18 November, 12.00 hours  

Title: ‘The effectiveness of injections in cuffdisorders and improvement of diagnostics’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Joy I. Perrier(Double doctoral degree UM –Université Caen Basse Normandie)

Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience


  • prof.dr. J.G. Ramaekers 


  • dr. M.L. Bocca

Wednesday 18 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Good night, sleep tight; performance and EEG measures in primary insomnia patients and during sleep deprivation in health volunteers’

PhD Conferral Samantha Renssen

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • C.A. Schwarz


  • dr. J.J. Hamers

Wednesday 18 November, 16.00 hours 

Title: ‘The turboliquidatie van de Besloten Vennootschap’

PhD Conferral drs. Erik Aller

Faculty of Health,Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. M.A. van Baak
  • prof.dr. H. Kuipers

Thursday 19 November, 10.00 hours

Title: ‘Obesity Treatment; evaluation of conservative Treatment strategies’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Annemieke Y. Thijssen

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof. Dr. A.A.M. Masclee


  • dr. C.H.M. Clemens
  • dr. D.M.A.E. Jonkers  

Thursday   19 November, 12.00 hours

Title: 'Clinical, psychosocial and therapeutic aspects of irritable bowel syndrome - results of cohort studies and a probiotic intervention trial'

PhD Conferral drs. Ramon P.G. Ottenheijm

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. G.J. Dinant
  • prof.dr. R.A. de Bie


  • dr. J.W.L. Cals

Thursday 19 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Ultrasound imaging to tailor treatment of shoulder pain in general practice’

PhD Conferral Dhr. Alex A. Zwanenburg, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. T. Delhaas 
  • prof.dr. B.W. Kramer 


  • dr. T.G.A.M. Wolfs 
  • dr.P. Andriessen

Thursday 19 November, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘Cerebral and cardiac signal monitoring in fetal sheep with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy’

PhD Conferral Mw. Simona Vezzoli, MA

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences


  • prof.dr. H. de Haas


  • dr. M. Siegel 

Friday 20 November, 10.00 hours

Title: 'Borders, independence and post-colonial ties: The role of the state in Caribbean migration’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Marloes van Onna

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. A.E.R. Boonen
  • prof.dr. R.B.M. Landewé


  • dr. A. van Tubergen

Friday 20 November, 12.00 hours

Title: 'Identifying patients with axial spondyloarthritis: On a mission to achieve timely recognition’

PhD Conferral Mw. Andrea C. Broderick, LL.M

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid


  • prof.dr. L. Waddington 
  • prof.dr. F. Coomans 

Friday 20 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘The long and Winding Road to Equality and Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities; The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Rinske S. Boersma

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. H.C. Schouten


  • dr. K. Hamulyak

Friday 20 November, 16.00 hours 

Title: ‘Central venous catheters in hematological patients; Risky lifelines ?’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Mariëlle A.C. Gelens

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • Prof. dr. J.P. van Hooff


  • dr.  M.H.L. Christiaans
  • dr. C.J. Peutz-Kootstra

Tuesday 24 November, 14.00 hours 

Title: 'Strategies for improving long-term renal transplant outcome'

PhD Conferral Dhr. Hendrik J.S. Baier, MSC

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences


  • R.L.M. Peeters


  • dr. M.H.M. Winands

Tuesday 24 November, 16.00 hours 

Title: 'Monte-Carlo Tree Search Enhancements for One-player and Two-player Domains’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Inge Schwager

Faculty of Psychology and Neurocience


  • prof.dr. F.R. Zijlstra


  • dr. U.R. Hülsheger

Wednesday 25 November, 12.00 hours

Title: ‘It’s Not All About Grades: New Perspectives on Graduate Students’ Academic Performance’

PhD Conferral Mw. Jessica M. Alleva, MSc

Faculty of Psychology and Neurocience


  • prof.dr. A. Jansen 
  • prof.dr. P. Sheeran 


  • dr. C. Martijn

Wednesday 25 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Body matters interventions and change techniques designed to improve body image’

PhD Conferral Mw. Ayse M. Yüksel, MA

School of Business and Economics


  • prof.dr. A. Riedl


  • dr. R. Peeters 
  • dr. R. Saran

Wednesday  25 November, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘Strategic Party Formation on a Circle & The role of Social Proximity in Job Referrals’​

PhD Conferral drs. Stef Zeemering

Faculty of Humanities and Sciences


  • R.L.M. Peeters
  • prof.dr. U. Schotten
  • dr. R.L. Westra

Thursday 26 November, 10.00 hours

Title: ‘Sparse Estimation; applications in atrial fibrillation’​

PhD Conferral Mw. drs. Maureen Aarts, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. V.C.G. Tjan-Heijnen


  • dr. M.A. Joore

Thursday  26 November, 12.00 hours

Title: ‘Clinical and economical aspects of chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer’

PhD Conferral drs. Josephus (Joop) H.M. Remmé

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


  • prof.dr. P.M.J.E. Tummers


  • prof.dr. H,A.G. Braakhuis

Thursday 26 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Albertus Magnus en het begrip ‘een’'

PhD Conferral Dhr. Tom H.G.A. Peeters, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J.A.M. Maarse


  • dr. M.J. Govers

Thursday 26 November, 16.00 hours

Title: ‘Redesigning home care; from a bureaucratic to a socio-technical type of provider organisation’

PhD Conferral Mw. Yvonne Oligschläger, MSc

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. J. Glatz


  • dr. D. Neumann
  • dr. J.J.F.P. Luiken

Friday 27 November, 10.00 hours

Title: ‘Tour d’AMPK: Glycogen-cytoplasmic cycling of AMP-activated protein kinase’

PhD Conferral Mw. K. (Nina) A.P. Wijnands

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. W.H. Lamers


  • dr. M. Poeze

Friday 27 November, 12.00 hours

Title: ‘Arginine and the microcirculation; citrulline as supplement to enhance the NO-production during inflammation’

PhD Conferral Mw.drs. Marijke Vanspauwen

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences


  • prof.dr. C.A. Bruggeman
  • prof.dr. E.F. Wouters


  • dr. C.F.M. Linssen

Friday 27 November, 14.00 hours

Title: ‘Use of molecular techniques in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases’

Valedictorian lecture of prof.dr. Bas Mochtar, professor Cardiothoracale Chirurgie

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

Friday  27 November, 16.00 hours

Title Valedictorian lecture: 'Ervaringen delen'