Opening Academic Year 2021-2022

Where will UM be in five years? Strategic Programme 2022-2026 launched

Maastricht University profiles itself as 'the European university of the Netherlands'. This is also the title of UM's strategic programme for the next five years, launched during the Opening of the Academic Year on Monday, 6 September. The subtitle, 'A caring and sustainable university', reflects the most important core values for the period up to 2026, when Maastricht University celebrates its 50th anniversary.

The Strategic Programme explains what UM stands for and what it wants to develop and achieve in the coming period. Its ambitions and overarching vision are highlighted on the basis of five themes:

  1. UM is an engaged and inclusive academic community
  2. making its mark on the development of the Euregio
  3. through innovative Problem-Based Learning
  4. and high-quality, socially-relevant research;
  5. a European network university with an international orientation.

A university to be proud of!

UM realises that it cannot be separated from its context. Indeed, it wants to be the engine of economic and social development in the region. This is one of the university’s most important ambitions: caring for the local environment, the world, students and the future. Diversity and inclusiveness, sustainability and mutual respect are indispensable; just like integrity, transparency and democratic principles.

Through cooperation, UM wants to contribute to solving the major societal challenges we face. Collaboration across borders because UM is the European university of the Netherlands - a university to be proud of.

Navigate through this interactive video for a tour of the strategic programme, including reactions from our stakeholders.

Do you want to know more?

  • Read more about the strategic programme on this webpage.
  • Download the PDF of the entire document.
  • Watch the interactive video below.

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