European Doctoral Summer School 2019 at the University of York

From 8 until 11 July 2019, the University of York organised the 2nd European Doctoral Summer School in Professional Development. This Summer School was initiated last year and is organised by three collaborating universities: University of York, University of Münster and Maastricht University. In light of the strategic partnership with the University of York, UM is always looking for new ways to collaborate and engage students, PhD researchers and staff at many levels of the organisation.

This year, fifteen PhD students (five from each university) got the unique opportunity to come together to share their ideas, network and develop their professional skills.

Programme themes
The guiding programme themes included ‘pitching and public engagement’, ‘your career’ and ‘entrepreneurship’.

Pitching and public engagement
Led by the University of York, the PhD students learned how to develop a ‘Three Minute Pitch’ of their research. The hands-on training focused on identifying stakeholders and beneficiaries of research, developing a pitch and communicating with a non-specialist audience. On the final day, students performed their pitch to a panel of judges, who provided feedback on readiness for transfer and knowledge exchange.

Your career
Led by Maastricht University, the career session explored the career options for PhD students in a European and global setting. The students received practical support in relation to networking skills, writing a CV, and setting up a LinkedIn profile.

Led by the University of Münster, the entrepreneurship session covered personality traits of good entrepreneurs, and what it takes to set up a realistic, workable business.

PhD week summer 2019

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