Rianne Letschert named finalist for Top Female Executive of the Year

UM Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert is one of the finalists for the title Top Female Executive of the Year 2019. A key selection criterion this year is diversity.

The names of the three finalists were announced this week by a jury led by former education minister Jet Bussemaker. The other two top female executives are Agnes Koops from PwC Accountants and Daphne de Kluis, CEO commercial banking and member of the Executive Committee of ABN AMRO.

The finalists will give a personal presentation to the five-member jury at a special ceremony in Amsterdam on 26 September. The winner will be announced the same evening.

The assessment criteria include the weight of the candidates’ current executive position, the results they have achieved and their leadership style. In addition, personal characteristics such as courage and ambition are taken into consideration as well as the influence which these managers have as role models for other women.


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