Removing failed asylum seekers is difficult

It is not easy to deport failed asylum seekers, according to research by migration expert Arjen Leerkes of Maastricht University and Marieke van Houte of Erasmus University. The figures show that less than 1 out of five asylum seekers leave the Netherlands voluntarily. In many other countries, this percentage is even lower.

Lack of willingness
"Most rejected asylum seekers do not want to return to their country of origin," says Arjen Leerkes of UM.  "They often have compelling arguments concerning their financial situation and safety. It is easier for people to return to some countries than to others. About 40% return to Irak. Only 3.3% go back to Eritrea.”

Return policy
The research shows that countries with an effective and humane return policy, such as Norway, are more successful in deporting people. They provide things like good preparation and better reception facilities in the original home country.

The full report can be downloaded here

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