B-Solutions Project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions”

The activities for the B-Solutions project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions” have recently started. This project, submitted by the Province of Limburg (NL) as lead applicant and carried out by Expertise Centre ITEM, brings together partners along the Dutch border comprising partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. 

The goal of the project is to develop roadmaps and factsheets for highly demanded professions. These roadmaps and factsheets are two separate documents aimed at boosting cross-border mobility and employability by improving recognition. In particular, the project focuses on how recognition takes place for selected highly demanded regulated professions. The documents will indicate how competent authorities evaluate qualifications to provide first line supporters and citizens with information beyond that which is readily available. Furthermore, the project seeks to raise awareness among citizens regarding their rights and duties during recognition procedures. 

Early findings and methods employed in the project are due to be presented during an expert workshop jointly organised by Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM and the Benelux on the 15th November 2018 in Brussels.

The project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions” is financed by the European Union. 

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