New member Supervisory Board UM

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has appointed Dr. Jennifer Barnes as member of the Supervisory Board of Maastricht University from 1 July 2017 until 30 June 2021. Dr. Barnes is the Board member who has the particular confidence of the University Council, as regulated in the Law on Higher Education 2017, article 9.7.

Dr. Jennifer Barnes has an international career spanning public and private sectors as an executive. She held several positions at the University of Cambridge, among others as Pro-Vice-Chancellor and as President of the Murray Edwards College. Prior to that, she was the first Group Leader of Global Education for BP and before that she held several leadership roles in the conservatoire sector in London.

As a professional musician and scholar, she spent 15 years in the specialist sector combining professional practice with teaching, research, publishing, supervising and administration. Dr. Barnes believes in open and energetic engagement with faculty, staff, students and alumni, local and regional community, and international partners. She articulates to audiences around the world the importance of the role of universities in society and the impact of emerging disciplines not only on the economy, but also on the opportunities for human development. She is an experienced negotiator, created alliances and raised resource from governments, research councils, philanthropists, foundations, corporations and industry.  

The Executive Board, the University Council and the Supervisory Board of Maastricht University are pleased with the appointment of Dr. Jennifer Barnes and look confidently forward to the collaboration.

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