Princess Beatrix to attend the presentation of honorary doctorate to President Gauck

On 7 February, Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands will attend the presentation of an honorary doctorate to President Joachim Gauck of Germany. The ceremony will take place during the Dies at Maastricht University (UM).

Prinses Beatrix

UM will give President Gauck an honorary doctorate in recognition of his distinctive role in modern German history, a role which is consistent with UM’s vision and values. These values are implicit in Gauck’s personal history: he fought as citizen of the former GDR for human rights, was a co-founder of the New Forum opposition movement to the former GDR, and has been a supporter and advocate for the European Union.

UM annually celebrates its Dies in January. In order to hold the celebration during the 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, the Dies has been moved this year to 7 February.

Click here for the complete programme of the Dies Natalis

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