Maastricht Center for Taxation
Research institutes

Maastricht Centre for Taxation

The Maastricht Centre for Taxation (MCT) is an interdisciplinary educational and research centre dedicated to international and European taxation. Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law and its School of Business and Economics have joined forces to combine current educational programmes and to combine research expertise in tax law, (tax) accounting and public finance. The centre strives to provide excellent tax education to an international group of students, combined with a research focus on international and European taxation. Our staff consists of members of different departments (in tax law, accounting and economics) in order to ensure diversity in both tax-related research and education.


The Maastricht Centre for Taxation consists of members of the Department of Tax Law, the Department of Accounting and Information Management and the Department of Economics. MCT has two main themes of research: ‘Cross-border taxation of individuals’ and ‘International and European business taxation & accounting’.

As both of our research lines focus on taxation in an international setting, and hence both confliction national tax systems and the need for international coordination, the research fits well within our Faculty’s research theme “Integration and interaction between legal orders”. MCT has two research lines: 1. Taxation of cross-border employment, and pensions and 2. Cross-border business and tax competition.

 Visit MCT's research

MTC’s research mainly takes place
in the following pillars:

2. Institutional Transformations
3. Globalising Markets
4. Cross-border Cooperation and Mobility


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