
SBE Researchers participate in DxU by (1) spending a substantial fraction of their research time to research related to digitalization and automation (supported by their department), (2) linking their research to external stakeholders, (3) participating in joint meetings, pilots and research proposals. Researchers can benefit from participation in DxU by the access it gives to a large network of researchers and stakeholders, by receiving feedback and inspiration on research ideas though participation in seminars and related activities, and by contributing to larger research initiatives on digitalization and automation.

DxU is supported the leaders of the GSBE research themes Learning and Work, Data Driven Decision Making, and by leaders and researchers of the following SBE departments and institutes: AIM, DAD, ERD, Finance, KE, MILE, MPE, MSCM, ROA, UNU Merit and the Brightlands Institutes BISCI and BISS. The department heads and directors of these departments and institutes have indicated their willingness to contribute to DxU.

DxU participants at SBE include


Aysolmaz, B
Joshi, A
Moers, F.
Peteghem, M van
Timmermans, O
Vanstraelen, A


Bruggen, E
Meacham, D
De Almeida e Santos Nogueira, RJ
Muller, R
Schmitt, H


Grigoriev, A
Kessels, R


Beausaert, S
Crans, S
Gast, I
Gijselaers, W
Hoven, M
Ipektzidou, E
Nijhuis, J
Nuis, W
Segers, M
Smeets, L


Bos, Jaap
Eichholtz, P
Kok, N
Post, T
Rodrigues, P
Schotman, P
Straetmans, S


Borghans, L
Brüning, M
Golsteyn, B.
Kuenn, S
Lieb, L
Meshcheriakova, O
Monfrance, M
Piccillo, G
Schils, T
Schuffels, J
Treibich, T


Herings, P
Lois, G
Meissner, T
Seel, C
Tersiege, S
Tsakas, E.
Vostroknutov, A
Werner, P
Wibral, M


Arabi, M
Bressgott, T
Bruggen, E
Ebrahim, M
Festjens, A
Foubert, B
Geyskens, K
Goukens, C
Heller, J
Hilken, T
Holtrop, N
Kohl, S
Lemmink, J
Mahr, D
Odekerken, G
Pinto Pereira Rebelo Cotta, D
Semeijn, J
Toussaint, M
Wals, S
Wetzels, M
Wetzels, R


Guenter, H
Iske, P
Letterie, W
Lokshin, B


Abiad Monge, A
Bastürk, N
Berger, A
Brakel, J van den
Beutner, E
Crombrugghe, D de
Hecq, A
Hoesel, S van
Lin, Yicong
Margaritella, L
Mnich, M
Palm, F
Peerlings, D
Smeekes, S
Sun, Li
Tempelaar, D
Vermeulen, D
Vredeveld, T
Wilms, I


Levels, M
Fouarge, D
Velden, R van der
Grip, A de.
Corvers, F
Haelermans, C
Somers, M
Gerards, R.
Kuenn, A
Huijts, T.
Fregin, MC
Belfi, B.


Heijltjes, MG


Walle, B van de