02 Dec
09:00 - 17:00

CPD Workshop: Intercultural PhD Supervision

Do you want to gain more insight into the complexities of (inter)cultural PhD supervision? This one-day workshop is offered to PhD supervisors (co-promotors/daily supervisors and promotors) at Maastricht University.

While PhD supervisors need not obtain a specific formal qualification for PhD supervision, the scope and quality of supervision have an influence on the success of doctoral candidates and supervisors alike. Moreover, supervisory constellations at UM often include people with diverse backgrounds and aims, and at times may face challenges routed in interpersonal, intercultural, or power differences. PhD supervision skills thus include being able to reflect on such challenges, beyond the mere scientific qualification, and to be able to navigate conflict situations in a sensitive and culturally adequate manner.

This workshop is designed to exchange approaches, tools and good practices in doctoral supervision. It will focus on aspects such as:

  • Awareness for various challenges in PhD supervision
  • Diversity-sensitive and successful communications
  • Reflection on supervisory styles
  • Approaches to and foci in PhD supervision
  • Building a successful working relationship

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Understand the complexity of PhD supervision in intercultural, bilateral and team contexts
  • Better navigate (negative) feedback and conflict situations with the necessary interpersonal and intercultural awareness
  • Tailor supervision to the needs and future career aims of national and international PhD students

The workshop will take place on location at EDLAB in English and will last for 8 hours including a one-hour lunch break, 30 minutes of preparatory work is expected, details of which will be sent via e-mail prior to the session.

About the trainers
Karl-Andrew Woltin is an assistant professor of social psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain). He has developed and delivered intercultural, communication, and PhD supervision training and has supervised PhD students in academic positions in Germany, the UK and Belgium.
Karlijn Massar is an associate professor of applied social psychology at the department of Work & Social Psychology (FPN). In her research, she focuses on understanding and changing (health-related) behaviour. She has supervised several PhD students from countries such as Zambia, Indonesia, and Panama.

Contact the organiser
EDLAB Educational Services

EDLAB is happy to offer this course to you free of charge.  Please note however that we have paid to develop and offer these sessions together with the trainer, so if you sign up but cannot attend, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us at least 4 days’ notice so that we can advertise your spot to others who may be interested.  Failing to turn up or cancelling last minute may result in your department being charged the cost price (please contact us for more details should you need to cancel).

EDLAB reserves the right to postpone this event should a minimum of 6 participants not be reached.

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