20 Nov
15:30 - 18:00

Millennial History

Recent European history, told by millennials, who were there when it happened. Musical journalism, to get where we are coming from.

Millennial History started off as a podcast, for which Andrea Voets and composer/sound-designer Luke Deane combined hundreds of layers of music and interviews. In this live documentary-concert, all stories merge into one compelling unity – composed, performed and sung by Andrea Voets, Luke Deane and Sarah Jeffery. 

The ‘troubles’ in Northern-Ireland, the mafia on Sicily, change and unification in East-Germany and the ‘Children of the Decree’ of Ceaușescu in Romania. Against a backdrop of real danger and profound change, young Europeans had to forge a completely new reality. Take a seat in the ‘Millennial Histories’ and let constant sounds and songs carry you through bold and meaningful talks. 

We are organising this documentary concert together with Intro in Situ, a production house for contemporary music, and Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance.

Studio Europa Maastricht provides a context programme consisting of a preliminary interview with the makers, led by Dr. Aline Sierp, Associate Professor in European Studies at Maastricht University.

Tickets are now available!


  • Café open from 13:30
  • Start context programme: 15:30
  • Start concert: 16:00
  • Optional: drinks with the makers: 18:00


  • Normal: €20
  • Students: €10

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