Growing Up in Science – with Prof. dr. Martin Paul

Did you ever wonder about the real stories of your colleagues? Behind every success you can read on a CV, are the numerous failed attempts, challenges and lessons learned. And then there are also all the successes that no one ever hears about. 

Martin Paul 

Our guest for this session is our former UM president prof. dr. Martin Paul. He is currently Rector at CEO Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.


  • 15.45h: Welcome drink
  • 16h: The unofficial story of Prof. dr. Martin Paul
  • 16.40h: Q&A with the audience
  • 17h: after talk with drinks / nibbles 
CvB - Martin Paul

Growing Up in Science

Growing Up in Science is a regular speaker series with academics who are willing to share their “real stories”. The Maastricht Young Academy believes that sharing these stories is important because as a community, we can listen to each other, support each other and, thereby, learn from each other!

You are invited!

 Find the global Growing Up in Science YouTube channel here.


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