03 Nov

On-site PhD conferral Brenda I. F. Erens

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Corine de Ruiter, Prof. dr. Henry Otgaar

Keywords: child abuse, evidence-based methods, child protective services, child interviewing

"Child investigative interviewing and risk assessment in Dutch child abuse investigations: Towards evidence-based practice"

This thesis aimed to elucidate current procedures of child abuse investigations in the Netherlands at Safe Home (National institute of child abuse and domestic violence) and to examine whether these procedures are science-based. Our research focus was on child forensic interviewing and child abuse risk assessment, considering the importance of both in child abuse investigations. We found that implementing an evidence-based interview protocol (NICHD-protocol) improved the quality of child forensic interviews at Safe Home, showing the benefits of using a structured science-based protocol over non-standardized practice.  

Click here for the full dissertation.

Click here for the live stream. 

Language: Dutch